The Geffrey Museum of the Home, creation of historic gardens © Hufton Crow

Examples of good reports

The reports below are examples of good reports and have been included to guide grant recipients in preparing their own reports.

English Heritage – Marble Hill Restoration project

Marble Hill Revived project- newly planted trees, Marble Hill
In 2019 English Heritage began a phased landscape restoration project at Marble Hill, to revive the historic landscape and improve the biodiversity of the park, helped with a grant from Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust.

Download English Heritage – Tree Planting Report for the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, as pdf file

Photo: Marble Hill Revived project- newly planted trees, Marble Hill © English Heritage

Museum of the Home – The Gardens Through Time

Gardens Through Time, Museum of the Home
The Museum of the Home completely replanted its Gardens Through Time as part of a major redevelopment. The extent of the works meant that the original gardens had to be completely dug up, however, the new layout and planting scheme has provided benefits for all their visitors, from local residents and families to school groups.

Download Gardens Through Time Report July 2021, as pdf file

Photo: Gardens Through Time, Museum of the Home © Hufton and Crow

Fauna and Flora International – Conservation of Tajikistan’s fruit and nut forests

Conservation of Tajikistan's threatened fruit and nut species
Tajikistan’s fruit and nut forests are home to the wild ancestors of almonds, apples, pomegranates, walnuts and Critically Endangered pear species. Being highly diverse and harbouring a series of endemic species, these forests are of global conservation importance. Establishing nurseries and improving horticulture are considered the main solutions for increasing the population and diversity of rare threatened fruit and nut trees in the forests and this was the focus of FFI's application.

Download FFI Fruit Nut Tajik May 2021, as pdf file

Photo: Conservation of Tajikistan's threatened fruit and nut species © Fauna & Flora International

Painshill Park Trust - Replanting the walled garden

Walled garden exterior
Painshill Park Trust approached the Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust for support to plant fruit trees and bushes on the east facing wall of their walled garden which is important as it is the first aspect seen by visitors as they cross the bridge and approach the Painshill landscape.

Download Painshill April 2020 v2, as pdf file

Photo: Walled garden exterior © Louise Russell

West Dean – Restoration of historic glasshouses

Interior of restored historic glasshouse
There has been a walled garden in West Dean for over 200 years but the historic glasshouse required restoration. In 2019 The Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust gave a grant towards West Dean's final glasshouse appeal, to complete the restoration of all of the Victorian Glasshouses situated within the Walled Garden.

Download West Dean, as pdf file

Photo: Interior of restored historic glasshouse © West Dean Gardens

Winterbourne House and Garden – Interpretation and container planting

Container plantings and interpretation, Winterbourne House and Garden
In November 2018 Winterbourne received a grant from the Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust to install some container plantings and graphic interpretation panels as part of a planned exhibition, The Evolution of a Garden.

Download Winterbourne Report July 2019 v2, as pdf file

Photo: Container plantings and interpretation, Winterbourne House and Garden © Leighanne Gee, Winterbourne House and Garden